Odile Kidd

b. 1971
Odile Kidd spent the first 26 years of her life in Zimbabwe, where she was born, and in South Africa. She studied at the School of Applied Art and Design at the Cape Technikon in Capetown.

She moved in the late 1990’s to pursue her career with a European influence. Kidd has exhibited in various group shows, including at the London Zoological Society, the Discerning Eye, and the Royal Academy Summer show. She had also exhibited at the Arthur Ackerman gallery, where she has shown larger than life canvases of macaws, zebra, and swimming polar bears. 

Since 2018, Kidd has collaborated with Principal Curator of Mammals at the Natural History Museum of London. She is also working towards a publication of crab evolution in the London clay with a palaeontologist and geologist. Her work at the museum includes drawings of cetacean bones, insects, taxidermy and fossils.
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Odile Kidd

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