Andrew Lambirth
Collages & Drawings
The acclaimed art critic Andrew Lambirth will be the focus of a new solo exhibition at The Redfern Gallery, his first in London.
Lambirth has spent the past four decades making collages, fascinated by the possibilities of bringing together unrelated, overlooked materials in new and cohesive compositions. Having spent his career writing about art and artists, it is perhaps unsurprising that Lambirth's collages take inspiration from many of his heroes, with various collages made as homages, to the likes of Craigie Aitchison, Sandra Blow and RB Kitaj. In others, Lambirth acknowledges the influence of Roger Hilton and Prunella Clough, especially in regard to the former's treatment of line and the latter's interest in different textures.
But of all the artists, it is perhaps Eileen Agar, described by Lambirth as 'a collagist of supreme achievement', who has exerted the most profound influence. Lambirth first met the artist when helping to write her memoirs, and was gifted a wealth of collage materials by Agar shortly before her death. Much of this material has since found its way into his art. And, while Agar made the surrealist rocks of Ploumanac'h a recurring subject, Lambirth has often returned in his collages to the monoliths of Avebury Stone Circle, a site of comparable mood and mystery. He feels that throughout his work there has been 'constant dialogue' with Agar, and so it is perhaps fitting that these collages are to be unveiled at The Redfern, the gallery that first exhibited Agar's work in 1942, and that has represented her estate for the past three decades.
Despite the wealth of influences, the collages nonetheless retain a life of their own; buoyed by Agar's bold and uncompromising approach to the cutting-up and layering of materials, Lambirth has created his own, very personal collages, which explore colour, line and texture with increasing assurance.
Private view: 6-8pm 15th November 2022
Please contact the gallery to RSVP
A full list of exhibition works to be announced soon
Andrew LambirthSelf-Portrait with Still-Life: Dig, 2021Collage on board40 x 30.5 cm
Andrew LambirthStone Landscape I, 2020Oil and collage on canvas board30.5 x 40.5 cm
Andrew LambirthAvebury Stones, 2022House paint and collage on paper35 x 42 cm
Andrew LambirthAvebury: The Old Straight Track, 2020Oil and collage on board40.5 x 30.5 cm
Andrew LambirthBird & Tree, 2020Collage on panel25 x 20.5 cm
Andrew LambirthBranching Wave, 2006Ink and collage on canvas board19.5 x 19.5 cm
Andrew LambirthCongruencies, 2022House paint and collage on board35.5 x 42.5 cm
Andrew LambirthCrucifix for Craigie, 2020Oil and collage on board25 x 20 cm
Andrew LambirthDon't Stop Doing Things, 2016-2021Mixed media and collage on canvas board40.5 x 30.5cm
Andrew LambirthElegy for Robert Motherwell III, 2021Acrylic and collage on board40 x 30.5 cm
Andrew LambirthEntrance to a Tomb, 2006Ink and collage on canvas board19.5 x 19.5 cm£500
Andrew LambirthFor MP (Mary Poppins), 2006Ink and collage on canvas board19.5 x 19.5 cm
Andrew LambirthGyre, 2016Crayon, oil and collage on panel30 x 25 cm
Andrew LambirthHead, 2016Ink and cut paper collage on canvas board40 x 30 cm
Andrew LambirthHomage to Kitaj (Hands Across the Sea), 2013Collage on board46 x 44.5 cm
Andrew LambirthMotherwell's Lattice, 2006Mixed media and collage on canvas board25 x 35 cm
Andrew LambirthPod, 2006Ink and collage on board19.5 x 19.5 cm
Andrew LambirthRemembering Craigie, 2021House paint and collage on board43 x 35.5 cm
Andrew LambirthResurrection: Homage to John Armstrong, 2015Collage on panel39 x 29 cm
Andrew LambirthSouvenir Affectueux , 2016Oil and collage on panel41.5 x 31 cm
Andrew LambirthStone Landscape II, 2020Oil and collage on canvas board30.5 x 40.5 cm
Andrew LambirthStone Landscape III, 2020Oil and collage on canvas board40.5 x 30.5 cm
Andrew LambirthStone Landscape IV, 2020Oil and collage on canvas board40.5 x 30.5 cm
Andrew LambirthThe Music Lesson, 2020Acrylic and collage on panel42 x 35 cm
Andrew LambirthInstallation shot, 2022