Centenary Exhibition: Part 2 - The Red Studio
Celebrating 100 years at The Redfern Gallery
A group exhibition featuring work by gallery artists:
Sarah Armstrong-Jones | Elizabeth Butterworth | John Carter RA | Elliot Paul Emsley | Susannah Fiennes | Annabel Gault | Florence Hutchings | David Inshaw | Linda Karshan | Catherine Kurtz | Ffiona Lewis | Danny Markey | Desmond Morris | Brendan Neiland | Bryan Organ | Dave Oxtoby | Pierre Skira | Telfer Stokes | David Tindle RA
It was at The Redfern Gallery in 1943, where Patrick Heron first saw Matisse's The Red Studio, which he described as "a life-changing experience ... the single most influential painting in my entire career".
The narrative of how this celebrated Matisse painting was for a time during WW2 hanging downstairs at The Redfern Gallery, has attained the status of legend.
For the second part of our Centenary celebrations we have invited our artists to respond to this iconic 20th Century masterpiece.
Sarah Armstrong-JonesLine Study, Red Studio, 2023Pen and ink on paper57.7 x 76.3 cm
Sarah Armstrong-JonesRed Studio, Spring, 2023Oil on canvas102 x 127 cm
Sarah Armstrong-JonesStudy Red Studio I, 2023Oil on canvas35.4 x 40.7 cm
Sarah Armstrong-JonesStudy Red Studio II, 2023Oil on canvas30.7 x 35.7 cm
John Carter RAThe Red Studio: An Interpretation , 2023Acrylic on plywood construction60.3 x 73.2 x 5.6 cm
Elizabeth ButterworthSix Red Feathers, 2015Gouache on paper70 x 48 cmSigned verso
Elliott Paul EmsleySi Cézanne avait raison, alors j’ai raison, 2023Acrylic, spray paint and oil stick on canvas95.5 x 120 cm
Florence HutchingsPainting Two Orange Nudes on an Easel, 2023Oil on canvas90 x 70 cm
Florence HutchingsTwo Orange Nude Paintings, 2023Oil on canvas75 x 50 cm
Florence HutchingsDinner Party I, 2023Oil on canvas30 x 40 cm
Florence HutchingsDinner Party II, 2023Oil on canvas30 x 40 cm
Florence HutchingsDinner Party Paintings on the Wall, 2023Oil on canvas95 x 65 cm
David InshawSunrise, St Ives Bay, 2019Oil on canvas51 x 51 cm
Ffiona LewisStudio Music Stand, 2023Mixed media on paper, diptych29.5 x 42 cm
Ffiona LewisStudio, 2023Oil on gesso board100 x 70 cm
Ffiona LewisWhite Table, 2023Oil on board, triptych24 x 91 cm
Brendan NeilandPetal Power, 2023Acrylic on canvas100.5 x 120 cm
Brendan NeilandSonatina , 2023Acrylic on canvas101.1 x 120.5 cm
Telfer StokesBazelgette, 2023Welded steel67 x 70 x 16 cm
Telfer StokesSprechgesang, 2023Welded steel70 x 106 x 12 cm
Telfer StokesFlourish, 2023Welded steel55 x 42 x 12 cm
Telfer StokesDéjà vu, 2023Welded steel42 x 82 x 8 cm
Telfer StokesContiguous, 2022Welded steel74 x 66 x 12 cm
Telfer StokesColloquial , 2022Welded steel74 x 66 x 12 cm
Desmond MorrisMonocrat, 2020Oil on board51 x 76 cm
Pierre SkiraRouge, 2023Pastel, acrylic and collage on paper laid on board61 x 101.5 cm
Catherine KurtzRed I, 2023Oil on board,21.5 x 17.5 cm
Catherine KurtzRed II, 2023Oil on board17.5 x 17.5 cm
Catherine KurtzRed III, 2023Oil on board22 x 17.5 cm
Annabel GaultGarden Study 1, 2023Acrylic gouache on paper71 x 102 cm
Annabel GaultGarden Study 2, 2023Acrylic gouache on paper29.3 x 41 cm
Annabel GaultGarden Study 3, 2023Acrylic gouache on paper29.8 x 82 cm
Annabel GaultGarden Study 4, 2023Acrylic gouache on paper
29.8 x 89 cm -
Annabel GaultGarden Study 5, 2023Acrylic gouache and gouache stick on paper29.3 x 41 cm
Annabel GaultGarden Study 6, 2023Acrylic gouache and gouache stick on paper29.8 x 82 cm
Annabel GaultGarden Study 7, 2023Acrylic gouache and gouache stick on paper29.8 x 82 cm
Annabel GaultGarden Study 8, 2023Acrylic gouache and gouache stick on paper29.3 x 41 cm
David OxtobyThe King, 1977Etching and aquatint87.7 x 27.8 cm
Danny MarkeyRed Room, 2023Oil on board30 x 38.5 cm
David InshawCourt, 2010Oil on canvas61 x 61 cm
Elizabeth ButterworthScattered Red Feathers, 2021Gouache on paper165.1 x 91.4 cm
Susannah FiennesRed Room, 2023Oil on canvas81 x 61 cm
Linda KarshanCovid-19 Series I, 2020Graphite on paper76 x 57 cm
Linda KarshanCovid-19 Series II, 2020Graphite on paper76 x 56.5 cm
Linda KarshanCovid-19 Series III, 2020Graphite on paper76 x 57 cm
David Tindle RABedside Still Life, 2004Gouache on board24 x 32 cm
David Tindle RAThe Hand MirrorTempera on board26 x 18.2 cm
Bryan OrganHomage to Mister Turner, 2023Acrylic on canvas101.6 x 101.6 cm