Margaret Mellis

Modernist Constructs
9 - 26 February 2022

To celebrate her recent retrospective, The Redfern Gallery are delighted to announce the continuation of Margaret Mellis: Modernist Constructs, opening Wednesday 9 February 2022. Previously on display at Towner Eastbourne, this exhibition includes an array of drawings, paintings and driftwood constructions by Margaret Mellis, demonstrating her intuitive technique in her largest, most established exhibition yet.


'In the late 1970s, Margaret Mellis began to keep pieces of driftwood she found during her walks along the Suffolk coast. She selected them with an artist’s eye, for their qualities of shape or colour, and collected them as she collected other things in her house: old keys, pieces of board and wooden trays, bits of glass, the skins of oranges and grapefruits crisp from drying on the Aga. Everything was kept with a future purpose in mind, could take on new life. Keys for collages; fruit peel for lighting fires.'


Accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue with an essay by Harriet Baker.


Preview Week: 8 - 12 February 2022

Please note due to staff illness we have had to cancel the Private View on Tuesday 8 February

Wednesday 9 February 11am - 5.30pm

Thursday 10 February 11am - 5:30pm

Friday 11 February 11am - 5:30pm

Saturday 12 February 11am - 2pm


Please email the gallery to book an appointment.
